Honesty is the best policy. If I lose my honour, I lose myself.
Honesty is the best policy. If I lose my honour, I lose myself.
Piedāvāju augstas kvalitātes juridisko palīdzību visdažādākajās tiesību nozarēs. Izmantošu savas zināšanas un pieredzi Jūsu uzticētā uzdevuma vislabākā rezultāta sasniegšanai. Praktizēšanas laikā man ir izveidojusies laba sadarbība ar dažādu nozaru speciālistiem, tāpēc varu sniegt kompleksu palīdzību jautājumu risināšanā attiecīgajā nozarē, jo īpaši būvniecībā, komercuzņēmumu finanšu lietās, nodokļu jautājumos. Apkalpoju dažāda veida darījumus.
About me
Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agronomy, 1992, bachelor's degree;
University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 2001, university education;
Since 2012 attorney qualifications have been equated to a professional master's degree and professional qualifications of the 5th level
Additional education, courses
1993-1994 Nienburg, Germany, agricultural practice, tuition of German;
Oct - Nov 2000 distance courses in World Intellectual Property Organization, certificate "Introduction to Intellectual Property";
Work languages - Latvian, Russian, German, English.
Work experience -
• I have worked as an agronomist and I have managed an agricultural district in a joint stock company in 1992,
• from 1996-1999 I was a commercial director in a building company,
• almost two years I was the chief expert in copyright issues in the Copyright and related right division of LR Ministry of Culture,
• on May 2002 I became an assistant to a sworn notary of the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates and since 19 April 2005 I was admitted among the Latvian sworn advocates.
My basic principles when working with clients:
"Client is always right", but before assume solving one's problem issues or accomplishment of tasks, the possibilities are explained how to get the most favourable result.
• Client's interests are above everything.
• Confidentiality.
• Responsibility.